The FDA-approved product labeling for the Beta-Cath System states that it should not be used for patients with unprotected left main coronary artery disease (50 % narrowing of the coronary artery) or for patients who are not candidates for blood-thinning drugs or anti-platelet therapy. A rando...
doi:10.1007/s00059-005-2674-9Gerian GrnefeldJohannes ManegoldCarsten W IsraelStefan H HohnloserHerzGronefeld G, Manegold J, Israel CW et al (2005) ICD Therapy in coronary artery disease a reappraisal in 2005. Herz 30(2):82–86
Rule out obstructive coronary stenosis in persons with a low or intermediate pre-test probability of coronary artery disease or atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by Framingham risk scoring, Pooled Cohort Equations, or by American College of Cardiology (ACC) criteria (see Appendix) with a positive ...
Aims The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there are differences in use and outcome of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy with or without cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) between patients with underlying coronary artery disease (CAD) and non-ischemic dilated cardiomyo...
conditions (as defined by ICD-9-CM secondary diagnosis codes using previously defined algorithms17,18), year of discharge, and location of MI (categorized into 4 groups defined by ICD-9-CM codes, indicating anterior or lateral, inferior or posterior, subendocardial, or other unspecified ...
[fatal, hospitalized, or treated nonhospitalized], and peripheral arterial disease). Coronary revascularization included coronary artery bypass graft, percutaneous angioplasty, insertion of stents, and atherectomy. Individual components of the combined outcomes were prespecified and examined, as were other...
Coronary CTA DSS short CoronaryCTA WhatisCoronaryCTA?•CoronaryCTAisanon-invasiveminimalriskprocedure todirectlyvisualizethecoronaryarteries–ItisNOTcalciumscoring–Itinvolvesadministrationofcontrast •Itallowsvisualizationofthecoronaryarteriessimilarto acardiaccatheterizationwithadditionalinformationabouttheWALLoftheartery...
Richard Deyo et al. separately adapted the CCI to ICD-9-CM diagnosis that the index could be calculated using administrative data [15]. On the other hand, CCI can be a tool to represent the severity of underlying disease and condition, absence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)...
Keywords: antimicrobial resistance;coronary artery bypass graft surgery;valve surgery;mortality;length of stay;cost
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there are differences in use and outcome of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy with or without cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) between patients with underlying coronary artery disease (CAD) and non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy...