Noun1.coronary heart disease- a heart disease due to an abnormality of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart coronary occlusion- occlusion of a coronary artery caused either by progressive atherosclerosis or by a blood clot ...
Coronary Artery Disease: Quick FactsThe Manualss Editorial Staff
Coronary artery, one of two blood vessels that branch from the aorta close to its point of departure from the heart and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. Both arteries supply blood to the walls of both lower chambers (ventricles) and to the pa
FactsAlso Known As coronary bypass • coronary artery bypass graftPhotosSee All Images → Related Topics and ReferencesTopicsdouble bypassangina pectoriscoronary heart diseasecoronary arterysurgerythoracic surgeryabortioncesarean sectiongender-affirming surgerytracheotomyTommy John surgerylaryngectomysterilization...
Even after the presentation of such clear cut facts, the attitude of the Cardiologists/Physicians has not changed towards tackling women heart disease. Characteristics of atherosclerosis have been found to be different in women. Blood clot formation is higher in women owing to a higher potential ...
Wong NDDetrano RCAbrahamson DTobis JMGardin JM Coronary artery screening by electron beam computed tomography: facts, controversy, and future. Circulation. 1995;92632- 636PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 26. Pitt BRubenfire M Risk stratification for the detection of preclinical coronary artery disease. ...
Women frequently present with symptoms of heart disease at a much later age and have a greater frequency of atypical chest pain. Noninvasive testing is less reliable in women. Do these facts indicate that CAD is inherently a more lethal disease in women? Or is CAD, as some would suggest, ...
Coronary (artery) spasm plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic heart disease, including stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden death. The prevalence of coronary spasm differs among populations, is higher in Japan and Korea than in the Western countries prob...
most of these communications are obliterated by the end of the first year of extrauterine life; and those that persist among the smaller branches have questionable clinical significance. In hypoxic events or on the background of coronary artery disease, these communications may become more prominent...
Coronary heart disease, disease characterized by an inadequate supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle (myocardium) because of narrowing or blocking of a coronary artery by fatty plaques (see atherosclerosis). If the oxygen depletion is extreme,