However, citing evidence that shows that only a small proportion of asymptomatic individuals with calcified coronary arteries ultimately develop symptomatic coronary artery disease, a 1996 American Heart Association (AHA) scientific statement on coronary artery calcification concludes that the presence of coro...
Forest plots of lipid-coronary artery disease; circles represent effect sizes and horizontal bars represent ±standard errors.aPhenotypic associations (logistic regression; two-sided) between lipid species and incident coronary artery disease in the BHS cohort (551 cases and 3703 controls), adjusted for...
RANKL has been implicated in vascular inflammation, vascular calcification, and angiogenesis [43]; MMP-10 is involved in the resolution of acute inflammation [44]; MMP-7 has been linked with both proapoptotic and cell proliferative pathways through cleavage of the ligand FasL and its involvement ...
(n =29) were referred for coronary angiography; (ii) patients with P-NT-proBNP ≤ 45.2 ng/L and CAC 400–1000 underwent CT angiography (n = 20); CT angiography was only used in patients with CAC 400–1000 since severe coronary artery calcifications (CAC > 1000) compromise...
eTable 1. ICD-CM Codes Used to Identify the Study’s Cohort eTable 2. Variables Included in the Regression Models eTable 3. Temporal Trends in the Volume of PCI and CABG (Total Numbers and Rates Per 100.000 US Adults) eTable 4. Temporal Trends of Crude (unadjusted) and Risk-Adjusted ...