8. Diagnosis CAA may be detected by non-invasive tools, including echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, but coronary angiography remains the best method for the assessment of coronary anatomy and pathology (Pahlavan & Niroomand, 2006). Coronary angiography provides ...
50 specimens were collected from anatomy and forensic medicine department after postmortem for the present study. In angiographic as well as cast study of coronary vessels, it was observed that there were three types of anastomotic pattern between the coronary arteries right and left (LCA). The ...
(Anatomy)anatomydesignating blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, etc, that encircle a part or structure n,pl-naries (Pathology) short forcoronary thrombosis [C17: from Latincorōnāriusbelonging to a wreath or crown; see corona] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
CLINICAL PROFILE OF PATIENTS WITH NORMAL CORONARY ANGIOGRAM [2] With advances in MDCT technology, it is possible to examine the coronary arteries and heart structures with high spatial and temporal resolution. Dual (type IV) left anterior descending artery We report here the interesting case of ano...
Figure 5.A proximal left anterior descending coronary artery aneurysm is seen on (a) a coronary CT curved reformat image and (b) a catheter angiogram. There is severe calcified atheroma throughout the vessel, which is complicated by this eccentric proximal aneurysm (arrows). The degree of assoc...
Coronary angiography is the backbone of clinical coronary artery clinical care. The technical aspects of the procedure include a thorough clinical history and examination prior to angiography and knowledge of both the variations of coronary anatomy and e
Knowledge of gross anatomy and microcirculation of the coronary arterial system is important not only to address the spatial location of a lesion but also to understand the mechanisms that lead to myocardial dysfunction. The standard clinical tool to visualize the coronary artery has been invasive car...
An example of preoperative CT evaluation of coronary anatomy in an infant with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease is shown in Fig. 2. Coronary artery anomalies in children with congenital heart disease can alter the surgical approach and even the surgical options, and preoperative imaging can...
Introduction Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) images coronary artery anatomy, whereas functional stress testing assesses for inducible cardiac ischemia. Coronary computed tomography angiography has higher diagnostic accuracy for coronary artery disease (CAD) when using invasive coronary angiography ...
Some investigators have suggested that a long "wrap-around" left anterior descending (LAD) artery may explain the pattern of regional wall motion abnormalities.Methods and resultsWe reviewed the coronary angiograms and ventriculograms findings in a prospective ABS cohort of 46 patients (mean age ...