1.Of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or coronary veins. 2.Of or relating to the heart. n.pl.cor·o·nar·ies A coronary thrombosis or heart attack. [Latincorōnārius,of a crown, fromcorōna,crown; seecrown.] Usage Note:Although closely related and often used interchangeably...
The coronary arteries are the first arteriesto branch off the aorta. The aorta is the large artery, which takes blood fromthe left ventricle of the heart to the body.What is angina and what causes it?Angina is a pain that comes from the heart. The usual cause of angina isnarrowing of ...
The following is a diagram from renowned Medical Author, Gray’s Anatomy:Blood is supplied to the heart during the diastolic phase (relaxation phase) of the cardiac cycle. During the systolic phase (when the left ventricle is contracting) very little blood is supplied to the coronary arteries....
The type I variant, initially described (7) as a coronary artery spasm, refers to the syndrome in patients with normal or nearly normal coronary arteries and no predisposing factors for coronary artery disease; in these patients, the acute release of inflammatory mediators can induce either coronar...
The dominant right coronary artery (RCA) is about 12 to 14 cm in length, before giving rise to the posterior descending artery(PDA) The subepicardial coronary arteries run on the surface of the heart embedded in various amounts of subepicardial fat. Portions of the epicardial coronary arteries...
Farhood Saremi 18 Coronary Arteries and Myocardial Perfusion Introduction Knowledge of gross anatomy and microcirculation of the coronary arterial system is important not only to address the spatial location of a lesion but also to understand the mechani
Coronary circulation is a unique type of circulatory system which involves one organ. Coronary circulation occurs in the heart, which nourishes and removes wastes from the heart tissues. The coronary system is made of coronary arteries and coronary veins....
Coronary artery anomalies are rare but sometimes important findings in the evaluation of the coronary artery. The majority of the anomalies are of benign prognosis, but others can be associated with cardiac symptoms and syndromes (angina, dyspnea, syncop
Based on the CAG results, we classified coronary artery stenosis as severe (case group) and no/mild (control group) by visual inspection of lumen diameter. Severe stenosis was defined as ≥ 90% stenosis in at least one of the major coronary arteries or their major branches, while no/mild ...
While many of these models are aimed at the coronary arteries and compute clinically relevant parameters (such as fractional flow reserve34,35), few are designed to simulate or predict the patient-specific impact of TAVR or other non-coronary interventions on coronary hemodynamics. Furthermore, ...