Coronary angiography is the backbone of clinical coronary artery clinical care. The technical aspects of the procedure include a thorough clinical history and examination prior to angiography and knowledge of both the variations of coronary anatomy and e
Angiography has been the keystone tool to assess coronary anatomy, leading to the development of largely applied revascularization techniques such as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Since the first human cardiac catheterization, performed by Forssmann in...
CMassive right heart strain and inferoseptal myocardial infarction (white arrows).DCoronary CT angiography revealed a short proximal discontinuation (white arrows) of the RCA, highly suggestive of dissection
Coronary angiography remains the definitive diagnostic technique for determining appropriate therapy of obstructive coronary artery disease, as well as for assessing the therapeutic results of surgery, angioplasty or thrombolytic therapy. Technologic improvements over the last 5 to 10 years have significantly...
CT angiography is the best tool to assess the course of the left main. CT imaging can demonstrate the vessel course as well as the anatomy of the ostium. The presence of a “slitlike” orifice, an acute takeoff angle, and the length of the intramural segment all are associated with ...
Artificial intelligence-based quantitative coronary angiography (AI-QCA) was introduced to address manual QCA’s limitations in reproducibility and co
3. Coronary angiography: Preparation Coronary angiography is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is sterile, and all potential access sites must be disinfected, shaved, and sterilized. At the beginning of the 96 Advances in the Diagnosis of Coronary Atherosclerosis ...
R.E. SLAUGHTERDepartment of Medical Imaging, Prince Charles Hospital Rode Road, Brisbane, Queensland. 4032.John Wiley & Sons, LtdAustralasian RadiologyPartridge JB, Slaughter RE. Radiographic projections for coronary angiography--implications for digital subtraction angiography. Australas Radiol 1986;30:...
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coronary angiography and wire-based FFR (r= 0.81;P< 0.001).111This technique could offer a virtual FFR using a simple coronary angiogram, deriving anatomical and functional lesion characteristics without the risk of the pressure wire. Additionally, coronary wall shear stress, computed using coronary...