Corona is a free, cross-platform framework ideal for creating games and apps for mobile devices and desktop systems. Using the powerful but easy-to-learn Lua scripting language, over 1000 built-in APIs, a vast selection of plugins, and Corona Native extensions (C/C++/Obj-C/Java), you can...
We wanted to provide an update on the transition away from Corona Labs, Inc. to our new open source initiative. 30 April, 2020 The Forums are moving… The Corona Labs Forums are currently down as we migrate them to the new modern forum software on new hardware. The old Forums will remai...
We wanted to provide an update on the transition away from Corona Labs, Inc. to our new open source initiative. Rob Miracle 30 April, 2020 The Forums are moving… The Corona Labs Forums are currently down as we migrate them to the new modern forum software on new hardware. The old Forum...
We wanted to provide an update on the transition away from Corona Labs, Inc. to our new open source initiative. 30 April, 2020 The Forums are moving… The Corona Labs Forums are currently down as we migrate them to the new modern forum software on new hardware. The old Forums will remai...
简介 Corona Labs是一家软件开发商,公司研发的开发工具可以用于创建跨平台的游戏和应用程序的开发和简单移植。于2012年11月,Corona Labs获得225万美元A轮合作,Western Technology Investment, Merus Capital联合领投。 公司成员 暂无公司成员! 工商信息 公司:暂未收录 ...
移动开发架构专家Corona Labs公司在最近一轮融资中筹集200万美元资金用于加速旗舰产品Corona SDK的增长。 移动开发架构专家Corona Labs公司在最近一轮融资中筹集200万美元资金用于加速旗舰产品Corona SDK的增长。风投基金主要来自2个公司:现有投资者Merus Capital和新加入的Western Technology Investment,CEO Walter Luh称这表...
公司名称:Corona Labs 创建时间:2008 公司地址: 服务说明 2D游戏并不是一个正在消亡的娱乐品种,即使在这个十年里也是如此。有些人喜欢玩这种游戏,并希望开发游戏,但缺乏技术和编码知识。Corona SDK旨在消除高级编码知识的麻烦,使用流行的Lua编程语言创建令人印象深刻的2D游戏。平台独立开发Corona SDK允许开发人员创建应用...
git clone --recursive Due to the open source nature of Solar2D distribution, all contributors would have to sign a simple Contributor License Agreement (CLA) to ensure that their code can be part of Solar2D ecosystem. For more details seeCONTRIBUTING....
一梦浮生2012 Corona Labs 推出了一项Corona Cloud 服务,可以帮助移动开发者轻松地在其游戏中整合社交元素。 Corona Labs此前曾发布了Corona SDK,虽然每位开发者都可以使用Corona Cloud服务,但该服务主要是为已经使用Corona SDK的工作室或者开发者量身定做的。
昨日,移动数据服务商Fuse Powered宣布,他们正式收购了2D游戏引擎开发商Corona Labs。 Fuse Powered是一家位于多伦多的移动数据服务商,他们主要的业务方向是为移动游戏开发商提供数据分析,确定付费点和内购框架。同时这家公司也有一个移动广告平台,游戏开发商可以通过这个平台获得收入。