it can definitely be a reprieve from long days cooped up at home, frustrating school days, or conflict between siblings. With older kids, it’s always a toss-up whether corny jokes will elicit a laugh or an eye-roll, and what works one day might be ...
Whether you’re having a bad day, want to destress or are simply in the mood for a chuckle, our corny jokes may be just the thing to help brighten your day. We’ve rounded up a bunch of cheesy and funny quips and one-liners that will easily bring a smile to anyone’s face – ...
Here are some of the history jokes that are so corny that they're actually funny: Table of contents: How Was the Roman Empire Cut in Half? Did You Hear the One about the Liberty Bell? Why Were the Early Days of History Called the Dark Ages? What Was the Most Popular Dance in 1776...
Corny dad jokes are irrefutablely great in its lameness. Here's a list of silly dad jokes that might get you a giggle or two.
So for you, Pappy – we dedicate these corny jokes and funny dad memes to help all the fathers get a chuckle out of the these silly puns and fun made on their behalf. Funny Memes for Dad Here are our favorite memes for dad. From the moments like this, when dad is scrolling thru yo...
It's funny, but well... not rib-tickling, belly-aching laughter. It's also clean! Most of these jokes are done like a vaudeville question and answer style. To know the punchline, just place your mouse over the ear of corn and it will appear as the answer is in the corny kernels....
Yes these jokes may be corny, and not that funny again, but give your old man a chance, there may be one jokes in the whole bunch that you may find funny. Prepare yourself for agony and misery, for this list contain more than 125 terrible dad jokes. And if you’re a dad, ...
Dad jokes represent a special kind of good-natured humor. These are harmless, silly jokes that are usually made off-the-cuff at the most awkward moment possible. The more inappropriate the setting, the more likely it is thatthe funny dads of the worldwill crack a silly joke that is guaran...
"}]} sharegpt_jokes: creates a chat where bot is asked to tell a joke, then explain why the joke is funny {"conversations": [{"title": "...", "text": "...", "explanation": "..."}]}Note: type: sharegpt opens a special config conversation: that enables conversions to many...
One Reddit user is not a fan of HOAs. And this individual had a lot to say. He showed them! Take that, HOA! If you liked that post, check out this post abouta woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a tra...