During the hyperinflation crisis many Zanu PF men had actually made fortunes by buying dollars at falsely low government rates and selling them on the black market for their actual price. Then there was the diamond rush. We heard about this a few days later. We had settled in Mutare for a...
Blanchette said that in the last month that number has dropped to 30 minutes. He said that across the province 40-45 per cent of mental health calls result in apprehension. Prior to the hiring of the mental health RN, the best the SDG OPP had done is 25 per cent. “Currently we are...
“For example, its recommendations that the equipment and use of force regulation include tighter standards for the use of conducted energy weapons (Tasers) and that the adequate and effective policing regulation encourage the use of non-police response options to persons who ...
The following morning, still hidden below ground level, Rich became acquainted with the dark and delicate art of chassis stamping. Not having a chassis number in Africa is not an option as our time in Egyptian captivity had demonstrated. Nobody in Khartoum was prepared to stamp us without a ...