Cornwall Council roads Monday 28 August 2023 at 12:53pm The work will be on top of the £5m from the Government to repair potholes across the county.Credit:LDRS More than 70km of road resurfacing and other vital highways improvements are to be made acrossCornwallas part of an investment...
With winter fast approaching Cornwall Council has been working with CORMAC Solutions Ltd to develop plans to keep Cornwalls roads moving. Responsible for more than 7,520 kilometres (4,530 miles) of roads one of the largest road networks in the country the Councils highways team is making final...
This communist military council was highly oppressive, mismanaged the economy and diverting the much of the international aid Ethiopia is famous for receiving, into the military. The bloody civil war that removed the Derg created a crudely democratic federation of states who struggle to see eye-to...