PCR-02CP-A 0.2ml八联管盖杂色(鼓盖)125条/10包/箱 PCR-02CP-C 0.2ml八联透明管盖(鼓盖)125条/10包/箱 PCR-0208-A 0.2mlPCR薄壁管杂色(八排)125条/10包/箱 PCR-0208-C 0.2mlPCR薄壁管(八排)125条/10包/箱 PCR-2CP-RT-C 0.2mlPCR薄八联壁管(平盖)125排/10包/箱 PCR-02-FCP-C 0.2...
PCR-0208-FCP-CAxygen® 0.2 mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Flat Cap Strips, 8 Tubes/Strip, 8 Flat Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile125 / Pk1250 / CsAxygen®₹94,964.97per case PCR-0212-CAxygen® 0.2 mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips, 12 Tubes/Strip, Clear...
32 PCR-0212-FCP-C 0.2ML PCR12联排管带瓶盖,无色,80排/包 10包/箱, Axygen 0.2mL Polypropylene PCR Tube Strips and Flat Cap Strips 12 Tubes/Strip, 12 Flat Caps/Strip, Clear, Nonsterile PCR类 80 Strip tubes and Caps / 包, 10 包 / 箱 ...
148MCT-060-C0.6ml无色离心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱微型离心管类1000 Tubes / 盒, 10 盒 / 箱盒283 149MCT-060-C-S0.6ml无色灭菌离心管,500/盒,10盒/箱微型离心管类500 / 盒, 10 盒 / 箱盒244 150MCT-060-G0.6ml绿色离心管, 1000/盒,10盒/箱微型离心管类1000 Tubes / 盒, 10 盒 / 箱盒301...