克尼斯通基督高中 成立于1997 年,提供K-12 年级的教育。学校由西部院校联盟和基督教学校国际联盟认证,是基督教学校国际联盟的成员校之一。学校虽小,但是师生关系融洽,有利于学生的学习。学校小班教学,更有利于师生关系的发展和学生的良好学习体验。这里每个学生都了解每位老师,同样,所有的老师都了解所有学生。学生...
Cornerstone Christian School is a K2-12 private Christian School in London Ky. We are a non-profit, tax-exempt, Christian School that is nondenominational and not affiliated with a particular church. We hold that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and
Preparing the Future Established in 2002, Cornerstone, has been educating Jacksonville's youth for over 20 years. Come check us out today! We are a non-denominational Christian School located in Jacksonville, Florida, serving over 330 students from preschool through twelfth grade in a Biblical-base...
Founded in 2002, Cornerstone Christian Academy is a private Christian school in Rainsville, Alabama, that knows what it takes to enhance our students’ education. Our unique approach to learning and top-quality faculty makes Cornerstone Christian Academy
Once a Charger,Always a Charger Serving our community for over 25 years! Request Information A Christian Preparatory School Cornerstone Christian School is a college preparatory school offering quality education through a Biblical worldview, equipping st
提供加州教育局的全部基础课程,通过数学、自然科学和历史侧重启发学生的动手能力,通过表演艺术课程培养学生的艺术气质。提供7门AP课程并与当地大学合作大学双学分课程,满足学生高中期间修读大学学分的需求。 运动及学生团体: 运动: 男生:越野、篮球、橄榄球、高尔夫,足球 ...
Cornerstone is an independent college preparatory K-12 school that exists to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by challenging its students to know Him as Lord, to think biblically, and to grow in knowledge and skill that they may serve and influence the worl
克尼斯通基督高中Cornerstone Christian School学校位于 加利福尼亚州怀尔多马 克尼斯通基督高中基本信息 学校性质: 混校 学校宗教: 基督教 住宿方式: 寄宿家庭 建校时间: 1997年 占地面积: 10英亩 年级设置: K-12年级 开放年级: 6-11年级 中国学生:
克尼斯通基督高中 Cornerstone Christian School学校首页 专业设置 学术信息 录取要求 费用详情 新闻动态 学校相册 年均学费待整理人民币 国际生比例0% 录取率待整理学校类型:私立 中学 建校时间:1997年 在校学生:219人 授课语言:英文学校介绍 学校概况总览: 建校时间:1997年 学校网址: ccswildomar.com/ 学校...
Cornerstone Christian School is an interdenominational PreK-12 Christian school located in Manchester, CT. From our youngest preschool students to our high school seniors, our students benefit from a quality education that features strong academics ta