It was John Maynard Keynes who once famously alluded to the thin dividing line between Fair & Foul in a Nation’s Economics. Like most of his quotable quotes, this too is applicable to most of our problems which have eluded solutions despite well-meaning policy formulation & budgetary allocati...
Mishka, Russian name meaning “little bear” or “gift from God”; in Hindi it means “gift of love”; in Arabic it means “niche for light,” He’s been with me now for a few weeks. He has brightened my life considerably, and of course the lurking anxiety has gone away. I truly...
2、spoken English in different countries?Can you say one or some sentences for us?Can you get the whole meaning when you talk with the non-native English speakers? Indian English-BackgroundThe most proud of in India_ Indian English;350 million people native English speakers in USA and UK;Th...
•Canyougetthewholemeaningwhen youtalkwiththenon-nativeEnglishspeakers?IndianEnglish-Background •ThemostproudofinIndia_IndianEnglish;•350millionpeople>>nativeEnglish speakersinUSAandUK;•TheriseofIndianpopulation_annual growthrateof3%;USA+UKof1%;•Bollywoodfilmsswepttheworld_fashion IndianEnglish-...
•Canyougetthewholemeaningwhen youtalkwiththenon-nativeEnglish speakers? IndianEnglish-Background •ThemostproudofinIndia_IndianEnglish; •350millionpeople>>nativeEnglish speakersinUSAandUK; •TheriseofIndianpopulation_annual growthrateof3%;USA+UKof1%; ...
Devdas is a 2002 Hindi film based on the Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay novella “Devdas”. This is the third Bollywood remake and the first colour film version of the story in Hindi. The film is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and stars Shahrukh Khan and Miss World Aishwarya Rai. Devdas ...