(4)个人陈述(PS):The personal statement should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work and an explanation of your academic interests, including their relation to your undergraduate study and professional goals.(具体参照各个专业详情) (5)大学成绩单:递交学校认可的官方成绩单,中英文各一份; (6...
从去年开始,我们还开放了一个post graduate奖学金项目,挑选学生毕业后一对一和纽约的艺术家合作六个月...
虽然感觉慢慢已经开始有更多的同学注意到Cornell Tech这个校区,不过去年拿到offer之后被身边的人连环疑问的我还是默默的把这个问题单独拎出来放在第一个了😂 Cornell Tech 准确来说是Cornell在纽约的一个graduate school校区,校区内只有master program和phd studies。教课的faculty大部分都是Cornell的教职人员,毕业时拿的...
除开各类我们熟悉的Master学位,Cornell还有MPS(Master of Professional Studies)和其他课授或者研究方向的...
Students applying to the MS in Health Policy and Economics program should have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a strong GPA, leadership skills, and great communication skills. Prerequisites Admission to graduate degree programs in Population Health Sciences at Weill ...
我本科毕业于Universityof Massachusetts-Amherst. 专业是Communication, Minor CS. 我现在就读于Cornell University的Information Science专业。康村的IS有四个方向,data science; interactive technologies; networks, crowds, markets 和HCI。我当然是HCI track里的学生啦!因为IS是computer information science学院里的专业,...
地址:Caldwell Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-2602 Tel: 1-607-255-5820 Fax: 1-607-255-1816 参考资料: (1) Graduate Degrees Cornell University (2) English Language Proficiency Requirement Cornell University (3) Required Tests Cornell University ...
从去年开始,我们还开放了一个post graduate奖学金项目,挑选学生毕业后一对一和纽约的艺术家合作六个月,做一些新媒体艺术,特别酷。学校本身也在纽约Chelsea,著名画廊区,每天都是顶尖且免费的视觉盛宴。 最后放张图吧,摄于学校12楼。I will miss this so so badly. (我怎么每次答题都话这么多。。还是这种显然不...