全世界公认最高效的笔记法 Cornell-Note Taking-System 康奈尔笔记法(英语:Cornell Notes system),又名5R笔记法,是康奈尔大学教育学教授沃尔特·波克(英语:Walter Pauk)于1940年代提出的一种笔记方法。 概述:康奈尔笔记法为组织笔记提供了一个系统的格式。 笔记纸被分为三栏:笔记栏通常在右边,是左侧的问题栏(关键词...
Cornell Notes康奈尔笔记法The Cornell system for taking notes, created by Professor Walter Pauk of CornellUniversity during the 1950s, aims to help students save time while maximizing theeffectiveness of their note taking. As there is no rewriting, revising or retyping of yourAbbreviahonsnotes in ...
The Cornell Note—taking System (CNS) is a way to take notes created by Walter Pauk in the 1940s. It’s a productive way of learning. The CNS can improve the quality of your learning experience, helping you make connections and get more knowledge in the shortest time. Now, I’d like...
1. 预备:在听课、阅读或研究前,为每个页面划分提示栏、详细笔记栏和摘要栏。2. 记录:在详细笔记栏中记录课堂讲解、阅读材料或实验的内容。尽量使用简洁、明了的语言,以便于复习。3. 提炼:在提示栏中提炼关键词、问题或要点。这有助于我们在复习时快速定位信息,提高学习效率。4. 总结:在摘要栏中总结笔记的...
Cornell notes are one of the best note-taking methods, and for good reason. Here's why and how you can take Cornell notes.
康奈尔笔记法Cornell-NoteTaking-System Adapted from How to Study in College 7/e by Walter Pauk, 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company The Cornell Note-taking System 420 CCC Garden Ave Extension Ithaca, New York 14853-4203 t. 607.255.6310 f. 607.255.1562 www.lsc.cornell.edu ...
The Cornell System(康奈尔系统) of taking notes was created during the 1950s. It is mainly used to help students save time and make their note-making better. The system has the following steps.First,divide(分割) your paper into three areas. Use a common notebook paper. At 2. 5inches fro...
The Cornell system for taking notes,created by Professor Walter Pauk of Cornell University during the 1950 s.It is mainly used to help students save time and make their note taking the most effective.The system consists of the following steps. Divide your paper into two columns. Use a large...
Note-takingSkill TheCornellMethod2021/5/912021/5/92CornellMethodTheCornellNotessystem(alsoCornellnote-takingsystemorCornellmethod)isanote-takingsystemdevisedinthe1950sbyWalterPauk,aneducationprofessorinCornellUniversity.It’salsoknownasCornell’s5R’sofNoteTaking:Record,Reduce,Recite,Reflect(思考),Review.2021/...
CORNELL NOTE TAKING SYSTEM - Gmu 热度: Weathering&Erosion Naturalforcesthatshape Earth’ssurface 1 Unit1b BellWork PutExperimentCinyour notebookandanswerthe questions. Writetodaysdateonthetop ofthepage 2 WhatisWeathering? § Physicalbreakdownorchemical ...