康奈尔大学自1946年起即设置了MPA专业,当时为商学院的一部分。后来MPA专业以Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA) 的独立身份存续,直到2015年前后并入人文生态学院(College of Human Ecology)。 其实对于院系的归属,申请人大可不必感到困惑,因为CIPA一直是以独立专业的身份的存在,并入其他学院更多是行政与管理上...
the employment rate of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs exceeds 90%, and graduates are emp...
Cornell Institute for Public Affairs 学院官网 学院项目 Master of Public Administration 基本信息 学分 15 courses 项目时长 2 学费估算 $35,736 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 2098 申请截止日期 秋季 常规 2月1日 申请信息 TOEFL 100.0 IELTS 7.5 ...
Cornell University 学校官网 U.S. NEWS综排:11区域分类:Rural学校类型:大学 私立混合 学生数量:25898研究生数量:10163国际生数量:5252(占比24.00%) 康奈尔大学(Cornell University)创办于1865年,主校区位于美国纽约州的伊萨卡这里风景如画,被评为全球最适合人类居住的100座城市之一,是一座名副其实的绿色城市。另外有...
公共事务应用多元统计学Applied Multivariate Statistics for Public AffairsPADM 53104 Credits 项目管理...
Cornell Institute for Public Affairs at Cornell University Entry Requirements: Applicants should be exceptional students who have the analytical, leadership and communication skills required to take on some of the most complex policy challenges facing the world today and to succeed in a career serving ...
for seven institutes and programs: The Worker Institute; ILRExecutive Education; the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution; the Laborand Employment Law Program; the Institute for Compensation Studies; theSmithers Institute for Alcohol-Related Wo...
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He is the Founder of Chronotope Films and the recipient of the 2021 Sundance Institute Sloan Foundation Episodic Fellowship for his television series The Harvard Computers, which tells the true story of America’s first female astronomers. In the area of virtual reality, Graham was approached by ...