学生情况:截至2023年秋季,康奈尔大学共有26284名学生在册,其中本科生16071人,研究生7357人,专业人员2856人。本科生国际生占比10%,研究生国际生占比55%。康奈尔大学在2023 Fall早申阶段和常规申请阶段一共收到67846份入学申请,录取了5358名新生,总录取率约7.9%。此外,康奈尔还公布了大一新生们的就读学院分布:文理学...
Cornell University Fees & Cost of Attendance The cost of attendance for international students at Cornell University varies depending on the specific program of study and the level of study. Here are the estimated costs for international students pursuing higher education in Cornell University: Cornell...
(2022-2023) 88 credits needed to graduate 30 most frequent duration of time for new students to graduate 2.5 years program target time to graduate 2.5 years required time to earn degree 6 years three-year graduation rate (2022-2023) 86% student body at cornell university composition...