Feel free to bake your corn bread in a cast iron skillet if you’d prefer. Serve. Top with warm honey and/or butter. Or serve with chili, soup, beans or pulled pork. Enjoy! Expert tips Here are a few tips to make sure this recipe bakes up perfect every time! Fresh baking powder...
An entire pan was devoured in only 10 minutes very recently, so I’m pretty confident it’s a winning recipe. Want to Serve it in a Cast-Iron Skillet? You can easily serve this recipe in a cast iron skillet. We have a Cast Iron Sweet Skillet Cornbread version of this recipe. Try it...
It feels a little redundant, then, to state that Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix is seriously good stuff. But it's still worth saying so, because it's easy to lose sight of what made landmark foods such a big deal in the first place. Jiffy cornbread is hailed by people all over the nation a...
Comes Together in a Jiffy (Without the Jiffy). Yes, Jiffy cast iron skillet cornbread is convenient, but this from-scratch version doesn’t take much more time—it’s done in just 35 minutes! Like other quick breads (Pumpkin Banana Bread, Blueberry Zucchini Bread, etc), cornbread is a ...
Easy Chili Cornbread Recipe with Jiffy, in a cast-iron skillet, is a tasty meal that won't break the bank but will leave everyone satisfied.
So I’ve had a long history with cornbread. Jiffy cornbread! And the history goes on. Now I doctor up the box and make cornbread that tastes like it was made in my southern grandmom’s kitchen! By adding a few other ingredients and baking the cornbread in a cast iron skillet the box...
Step 1– Follow the instructions for regular vegan cornbread, but bake the cornbread in a cast-iron skillet instead of a pan. Step 2– Put a tablespoon of oil in the bottom of the skillet and place the skillet in the oven while it preheats and you mix the batter. ...
It was so good but never knew what she put in it. Going to be making soon. Please log in or create a free account to comment. STELLA BOWMAN June 20, 2019 at 6:45 am Make cornbread in muffin shape, cut in half (top /bottom), butter cut side place in Hot cast iron skillet ...
Melt the butter in a cast iron skillet (or 8×8″ square pan). Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones (add the jalapenos now if you like) and pour the batter into the melted butter. Bake for 20 minutes. Cut into 8 squares or wedges. Serve warm with butter Notes To make cornbr...
I grew up in Western North Carolina, and we had cornbread at least twice a week -- on Sunday always, and usually along with dinner on another day of the week. Of course, I'm talking about skillet cornbread -- not the instant Jiffy cornbread mix. My grandmother, and then my mom would...