emptying one ridge, carrying out field management scientifically, using material capable of promoting plant growing, carrying out three term control timely, controlling the plant to proper height, carrying out field protection on time, and equipping an overhead pesticide spraying vehicle per 50 hectare...
Plant height and leaf production per plant were not influenced by the plant geometry. Spacing, however, influenced leaf area, aboveground shoot biomass, and yield of corn per unit area. Highest leaf area, shoot biomass, and yield (8.2 t.ha^(-1)) were produced by plants grown at 50 × ...
Real Grow Time (days)[1] 29.8 20.86 14.9 N/A Base Yield/day[2] 0.74 1.05 1.48 N/A ↑ Actual days to grow, taking into account rest time. ↑ Per plant, assuming Crop Yield Multiplier of 1.0.Note that Difficulty settings change the Crop Yield Multiplier.Analysis...
for making replant decisions. But they are of little value in understanding the effects of time of emergence on individual plant yield in stands planted all on the same day, as is typical in commercial corn production. They also do not indicate the relative importance of time of emergence ver...
Results showed that different agricultural practices had significant effects on plant leaf photosynthesis, transpiration, soil respiration, height, and yield, but not on LAI and biomass. The average corn yield in the NT-URAN was 10.03 ton/ha, 28.9% more than in the CT-URAN. Compared to ...
Kernel yield per plant decreased linearly in all sities that produce the maximum yield per unit area hybrids as plant density intensified. All yield components had a linear under different environmental conditions and/or geno- decline in response to increased competition pressure. The reduction types...
In the same year, weight per seed was reduced 2%, which was equivalent to the percentage yield reduction. Plant and ear heights generally decreased in a linear fashion with increasing rate of ethephon. The growth stage at the time of ethephon application significantly altered all variables except...
The importance of pre-plant inorganic N in predicting crop response to N has resulted in its inclusion in many N recommendation frameworks37. Generally, preplant inorganic N is inversely related to crop N responsiveness (and positively related to relative yield), a result which is further validate...
Pioneer researchers investigate how much more yield potential exists when growers increase plant populations.
These values are multiplied to generate an estimate of number of kernels per acre and should be relatively accurate, if you do your part. In order to estimate yield, you must also integrate kernel weight into the calculation. The problem with this method or any other variant for estimating ...