Chopped whole-plant corn (corn silage) continues to gain popularity for dairy and feedlot nutrition programs. Increased yields per acre, consistency through feed out, and energy value per ton of feed relative to legume and other grass forages are factors leading to increased inclusion rates in...
Yield per harvested acre of corn for silage in the U.S. 2001-2023 Corn oil exports in the U.S. 2004/05-2023/24 Corn oil prices in the U.S. 2004/05-2023/24 Corn oil consumption in the U.S. 2004/05-2023/24 Argentina: corn area harvested 2010-2023 ...
corn breeders are targeting to plant top-yielding seed corn hybrids that has the potential to yield 500-plus bushels per acre. It presents several factors to be considered in aiming for top corn yields including weather, soil nutrients, and pest control....
In years that produce weather unfavorable to high corn grain yields, corn can be “salvaged” by harvesting the entire plant as silage. According to the National Corn Growers Association, about 80% of all corn grown in the U.S. is consumed by domestic and overseas livestock, poultry, and ...
Over the past 30 years, average corn seeding rates used by corn growers in North America have increased by about 275 seeds/acre per year, while U.S. average yields have increased by about 2 bu/acre per year. Each year Pioneer evaluates corn plant population responses in research trials that...
Anaerobic Digestion of Spoiled Maize, Lucerne and Barley Silage Mixture with and without Cow Manure: Methane Yields and Kinetic Studies The effect of different inoculum-to-substrate ratios (ISRs) and feed mix (FM) ratios on the kinetics of methane production and yields during anaerobic dige... ...
Population: Number of seeds planted on a per acre basis. Root Lodging: Percentage of corn plants that lean from the vertical axis at an approximate 30° angle or greater just before anthesis. Silage moisture: Percentage moisture content of biomass measured at harvest. Silk Color: Color of the...
grain is obtained possessing such traits much higher than would be expected for self- or cross-pollination. This method can be practiced by farmers using currently accepted farming practices to directly obtain high yields of high-oil corn grain, high-protein corn grain, and other valuable grain ...
Biomass with high moisture can be converted into relatively pure bio-oil in hydrothermal liquefaction with high yields compared to pyrolysis processes [75]. For liquefaction of high lipid and high moisture biomasses such as algae, the hydrothermal process is considered as a promising technology [76...
limiting the competition to the plant and improving the corn yields. That means more corn with less cost, less trips up and down the field, and less soil disturbance. The fewer times we have to disturb the soil, the better our soil health is, and the less we lose to erosion. A win-...