Pioneer® brand corn silage helps deliver the highest-quality forage with excellent tonnage and high starch content. Discover the best options for your farm. Learn more today.
Data collected suggest the crude protein within corn silage is 13% RUP, and approximately 1/2 is digestible. The moisture content of corn silage at the time of harvest and the amount of time corn silage is stored continually impact protein availability. Supplementing growing calves fed corn ...
The effect of any silage inoculant is dependent upon management at harvest, storage and feedout. Factors such as moisture, maturity, chop length and compaction will determine inoculant efficacy. IMPORTANT: Information and ratings are based on relative comparisons with other Pioneer® brand forage ...
The goal was to harvest these corn silage trials in the 650 g/kg moisture range (Table 1). Dry weather in Jefferson County in August and early September resulted in rapid dry down and below optimum moisture content. Both moisture content at harvest and yield differed significantly among locatio...
* Grains can be stored at a higher moisture content than is allowed in traditional receival systems * Store on farm with no wastage or slippage * Storage in a year of high/excess production is unlimited * You only buy what storages you need ...
Theoptimummoisturecontentforharvestingcornforsi-lagedependsonthestoragestructureutilizedThevaluesbelowareforthewholeplant,notjusttheearorkernel Optimummoisture(orDM)levelsforharvestingcornsilage Storagestructure%moisture%drymattertackorpile65-7228-35renchorbunker65-7030-35ags60-7030-40prightconcrete62-6733-38xy...
Effects of corn silage crop processing and chop length on intake, digestion, and milk production were evaluated. Corn silage treatments were harvested at one-half milkline stage of maturity (65% whole-plant moisture content) and at 0.95-cm theoretical length of cut without processing (control) ...
silages and by-products during feed-out. Its efficacy is based on propionic acid and its salt form, which are both normal compounds in animal digestive tracts. Detailed application instructions ensure success despite variable grain moisture. Buffered products have reduced corrosivity compared to ...
Pioneer® brand 1189 high-moisture corn inoculant preserves the quality of your crop by improving fermentation, nutrient retention and digestibility, leading to higher daily gain and better feed efficiency for improved animal performance.
Starch depositionis the primary driver of corn silage drying down as it matures in the field. Most of the moisture will be contained in the stalk and, without advancing starch deposition, moistures at harvest will likely be in the 70%-plus range. This lack of kernel starch in immature corn...