Other statistics on the topicCorn in the U.S. + Farming Corn production worldwide 2024/2025, by country Farming Grain production worldwide 2024/25, by type Farming Corn production share worldwide by country 2023/24 + Farming Exports of corn worldwide 2024/25, by country Access...
Latin America and the Caribbean: maize or corn harvested area 2023, by country Area of corn for grain harvested in the U.S. 2001-2024 Do you have any questions about our business solutions? We provide you with detailed information about our Professional Account....
Ukraine’s corn production is marginally lower in the last few years. Ukraine’s corn area has fallen because of the obvious impact of the increased risk due to the conflict. In addition, the main corn-growing areas are in the northern and central regions of the country, making it harder ...
S.K. Brar, in Protein Byproducts, 2016 2.5 Vegetable-Processing Wastes Baby corn (Zea mays Linn.): Thailand is the major baby corn producing and exporting country in the world. It is eaten both raw and cooked and is used as a delicacy in Asian cuisine. Only 15% is the edible baby ...
Over the years, China's policies on ensuring food security have played a significant role in elevating the living standards of its 1.4 billion people and contributed to world food security. Ensuring food security will remain a priority in the country's agricultural development in 2022. ...
A model approach for analysing trends in energy supply and demand at country level: Case study of industrial development in China China has a large sugar industry that has shown signs of systematic productivity growth within the last few years. Analysis of sugar-cane production in ... Sergio M...
Improved hybrids and production practices are helping corn growers increase yields. Over the past 20 years, U.S. yields have increased by an average of 1.9 bu/acre/year. The NCGA National Corn Yield Contest provides a benchmark for yields that are attainable when conditions and management are ...
The proportion of potential expanding countries is about 71.4%, and Laos is a mature country with less opportunities for further development. In order to promote the benign development of the domestic corn industry and the development of China's corn import trade, this paper puts forward a ...
By Market Size Apply Clear + More Filters Geo Focus Global Regional Country Growth Rate Apply Clear Click on data point to dive deeper into the details and uncover valuable insights about each segment. Thank you! We've received your request. Our team will be reaching out to you...
Brazilproduced 137 million metric tons of corn in 2022-2023. The USDA projects that it will produce 122 million metric tons in 2023-2024.2In addition to producing corn, the country is a major producer of many other crops including coffee, sugar, and soybeans. Though it consumes more corn th...