Nutrition facts and analysis for Corn, sweet, white, frozen, kernels cut off cob, boiled, drained, without salt. Complete nutritional content according to the USDA
According to theUSDA, though, corn can be considered a vegetable or a grain, depending on a couple of factors. The answer lies within the variety of corn and the time of harvest. When corn ears of the sweet corn variety are reaped at their young and immature state, they have liquid-fil...
1. Remove corn husks from cob. Slice the kernels off the cob by holding the corn cob vertically and carefully slicing down toward your cutting board. 2. Add all ingredients (except the second amount of corn) into your blender. Blend on high until very smooth and well-blended. Blend for ...
1/21/2016 - As the European Union considers whether to lift restrictions on three pesticides in the neonicotinoid family, it would do well to consider the phenomenon, known to Canadian beekeepers, in which bees start dying in droves shortly after corn planting season. "Once the corn started t...
Sweet corn kernels can be used much like a vegetable rather than as a cereal grain. In general, its whole or section of the cob may be served as a main dish. If you desire to use only kernels in the cooking, then slice through the kernel base all along the central woody core to se...
Other Facts First corn was grown more than 7,000 years ago by Native Americans in Central America. Native Americans used sweet corn leaves as chewing gum. Corn is cultivated on every continent except Antarctica. Each kernel on cob has one strand of silk. ...
Nutrition facts and analysis for Corn, sweet, white, frozen, kernels on cob, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt. Complete nutritional content according to the USDA