corn on the cob 美 英 n.玉米棒子 网络香甜粟米棒;香甜栗米棒;整支的玉米 复数:corn on the cobs 权威英汉双解 英英 网络释义 corn-on-the-cob n. 1. 玉米棒子maize ( corn ) that is cooked with all the grains still attached to the inner part and eaten as a vegetable ...
971 次阅读 C-cob-corn-on-the
Corn-玉米是不可数名词,玉米棒子叫corn on the cob,但是一整个玉米可不是a corn cob。 (1) An ear of corn 一个玉米 ✎ 指含玉米粒的一整个玉米,不含玉米粒的玉米,也就是玉米棒子叫corn cob。 That stalk has 4 ears of corn. 这根茎上有4个玉米。 Put all the ears in the pot after...
cob cutting knife 玉米芯切碎刀 beat cob work 捣土工作 相似单词 corn on the cob =corn on the cob cob n. 1. 玉米棒子 2. 雄天鹅 3. 短腿马 4. 圆锥 5. 柴泥灰墁 v.[T] 捣碎 COB =Close of Business 歇业, 停止营业 corn n. 1.[U](BrE)(小麦等)谷物,谷粒, 2.[U](AmE)玉米...
The Corn Cooker uses a preset cooking time and low temperature heater to ensurethecorn on the cobconsistently looks, tastes, and smells fresh for up to five hours. 玉米炊具采用预设烹饪时间和低压加热器,确保玉米穗在最长五个小时内保持新鲜的外观、味道和气味。
【Corn on the cob 烤玉米(蒜末蛋黄酱)】1.烤箱预热到175℃。将玉米剥皮洗净。将尾部处理成如图所示,形成一个便利的末端。用锡箔纸分别包住每个玉米,烤箱里烤30-35分钟;2.在烤玉米的同时,开始制作蒜泥蛋黄酱。在杵中捣碎蒜瓣加盐。 另取一个中等大小的容器加入蛋黄,
一个玉米棒子:a corn cob 是指玉米中间硬的部分,没玉米粒。要是指一个玉米,就说 corn on the cob,是不可数的。
Corn on the cob Freshly picked ears of sweet corn. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) This pet rabbit makes a meal of corn on the cob. 这只宠物兔子正在享受一根玉米棒子。 The original items that were previously used for our wiping pleasure ranged from various sticks and...
corn on the cob “corn on the cob”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 煮玉米棒 相关词语 cornonthecob