Unsophisticated due to being from a rural locale (where corn would be a common staple); hickish.Can someone help this cornfed guy navigate the subway system?I can't believe there are cornfed guys like you who have never been to a big city.You're wearing jeans to a fancy event—good ...
11/3/2016 - Today we're making history in the survival food industry. I've partnered with Numanna, a rising storable food company run by patriotic Americans, to co-formulate and lab certify an entire line of near-instant meals that are certified organic, non-GMO and use no hidden forms ...
GRAIN FUTURES COMMENTS JULY CORN: Corn pretty much had a double bottom – until today. The first part was formed with the low on Dec. 15. The second part was formed on April 18. That double bottom was taken out today when corn sold off to 585 1/2. That double bottom was a crucial...
The other thought is that the exports will slow because of the high prices. It is also thought that the ethanol grind will be greater than the current USDA estimate, especially as driving will continue to return to near normal as the pandemic recedes and pent-up demand to drive is satisfie...
“We feed deer year round. In our minds, we have been supporting nature.” “We have been feeding deer all winter. Should we stop cold turkey, slowly reduce the amount of corn, or keep feeding as we have for the rest of the winter? We just want to do the right thing.” ...
Despite all of this, grain-fed beef has a cachet in America, where it is preferred by many for its alleged tenderness. I’m often offered it with pride, even by up-market restaurants that don’t seem interested in serving meat from cows that have lived their life on the range. Having...
Before that time, our government paid our farmersnotto grow crops, as unbelievable as it sounds today. When farmers took some of their land out of production, the reduced supply kept prices up. The 1973 law instead paid farmers to grow crops. When we put it that way, the change sure so...
well exercised one. I do understand, however, that many dogs will be underexercised regardless, and it probably isn’t a bad idea to re-evaluate their nutritional requirements, it just goes against the grain for me personally. *In general, not on this forum. And from every corner of the...
Having said all that, let me introduce you toHFCS. Actually, I’ll let the Corn Refiners Association do it: Now… I laugh, only because I work in marketing. Ads like this serve one purpose: damage control. So when I see something like this, my first thought is “what happened t...
Corn is a diploid, large grain cereal that originated in Mexico and disseminated further north and south of its center of origin. Corn is one of the most important cereal crops worldwide, ranking third in production following wheat and rice. Furthermore, it has a diverse distribution range, ...