Corn flakesexcellent folate, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, proteins, and carbohydrates sources. However, eating folate will help form new cells and prevent colon cancer and heart ailments. Moreover, corn flakes also contain thiamine content that boosts up carbohydrate metabolism and cognitive func...
"Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is a Mystery" The Wild Story of John Harvey Kellogg, the Eccentric Wellness Guru Who Invented Corn Flakes (TV Episode 2021) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Kellogg's Corn Flakes were invented to stop sexual behavior; thanks to GMOs, they're now doing just that!8/26/2015 - Did you know that Kellogg's Corn Flakes were originally meant to suppress sexual desire in people who ate them? That was the intention of corn flakes inventor John Harvey...
The Wild Story of John Harvey Kellogg, the Eccentric Wellness Guru Who Invented Corn Flakes: With John Harvey Kellogg. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg used a host of bizarre methods to prevent masturbation and cleanse his patients' colons at the Battle Creek San
"Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is a Mystery" The Wild Story of John Harvey Kellogg, the Eccentric Wellness Guru Who Invented Corn Flakes (TV Episode 2021) - Top questions and answers about "Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is a Mystery" The Wild Story of