We conducted a survey to determine burnout in the Emergency Department hospital staff at Cork University Hospital (CUH). Methods: This is a prospective inclusive cross-sectional study assessing burnout with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). Over 90 staff (physicians, nurses, administrators, ...
Burnout in the Emergency Department hospital staff at Cork University Hospitaldoi:10.1007/s11845-018-1871-5Peter ChernoffComfort AdedokunIomhar O'SullivanJohn G. McmanusAnn PayneSpringer London
In the USA, burnout among...doi:10.1007/s11845-018-1871-5Chernoff PeterAdedokun ComfortO’Sullivan IomharMcManus JohnPayne AnnSpringer LondonIrish Journal of Medical Science