You cannot open a CDR file directly in Illustrator. . You would need to export the file from CorelDRAW as an AI, EPS, or PDF and bring that into Illustrator. Can I open a CDR file in Photoshop? You cannot open a CDR file directly in Photoshop. You would need to export the file fro...
对 版本问题
31 0x001f 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用。 32 0x0020 the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 33 0x0021 档案的一部份被锁定, 现在无法存取。 34 0x0022 磁碟机的磁片不正确。 请将 %2 (volume serial number: %3) 插入磁碟机 %1。 36 0x0024 开启的分享...
Back in the 1990's Corel cut off file open/import support for CDR files made in versions 1 and 2. In recent years Corel moved the goal posts. The last few versions of CorelDRAW cannot open/import CDR files made in vesrion 5 or earlier. Only CDR files saved in vers...
Cannot open/edit a bitmap in PhotoPaint while in CorelDraw. Tried F8 reset, tried file assoc CPT in CorelDraw and PhotoPaint. No luck, however I was able to get it to open when I imported a PNG image in Corel but when I tried a different image PhotoPaint... ...
Yes Adobe Illustrator CC cannot open native CorelDRAW (CDR) files. First you need to turn them into PDF EPS or SVG using CorelDRAW. By Yoursoftwarekey This is an ages old thread. EPS would be an absolute horrible choice. But PDF and SVG won't be that much better. CorelDRA...
5:26I can’t open my CorelDRAW 2020 files in an earlier version of CorelDRAW. How do I fix this? 5:54I have customized my workspace; how do I save it? 6:34I can’t see the thumbnails of my files. They all look the same. ...
Cannot launch CorelDraw X7 in Windows 10. Hi Santa, Thank you for your response with the current update on the issue. Glad to know that you are able to resolve the issue by reinstalling the software on the computer. Regarding the issue with selecting the compatibility mode. As you are usin...
You should know that CorelDraw can save its CDR files in different versions. But the program of the lower version cannot read the CDR file of the higher version. Therefore, you can open this file in a different version of CorelDraw.