Adobe Illustrator 和 CorelDRAW 都是矢量图形设计软件,广泛应用于广告、印刷、网页设计等领域。Illustrator 是 Adobe 公司的旗舰产品,而 CorelDRAW 则由加拿大 Corel 公司开发。两者的功能和使用场景有所不同。在导入其他文件格式方面,Illustrator 与 Photoshop (PS) 的兼容性更强。Illustrator 可以直接导入...
打P.Illustrato是专门用来做矢量的.通常用来做商标的徽记.而Corel DRAW..功能强大啊.矢量制图只是他万千...
Illustrato是专门用来做矢量的.通常用来做商标的徽记.而Corel DRAW..功能强大啊.矢量制图只是他万千功能里...
Hi, would anyone know why the gradients I have in Illustrator show up as transparent when I open the file in Corel Draw? Is there a specific way I need to be setting up my file? Thanks! TOPICS Draw and design , Import and export , Sync and storage ...
一、主体不同 1、Corel DRAW :是加拿大Corel公司的平面设计软件。2、Illustrator:是一种应用于出版、多媒体和在线图像的工业标准矢量插画的软件。二、特点不同 1、Corel DRAW :为专业设计师 及绘图爱好者提供简报、彩页、手册、产品包装、标识、网页及其它,允许用户更加容易精确地创建物体的尺寸和位置...
Hi Is there a way to import .cdr files from Corel draw into Adobe Illustrator 2023? I know its possible to export AI files from Corel Draw but this means - 13709935
矢量图形生成软件如:Illustrator、AutoCAD、Corel DRAW等作出的图形保存成.JPG图片格式后依然是矢量图,放大后不会模糊、变虚。A.正确B.错误的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题
FWIW, I was trying to import an AI14 file into Corel Draw X4 this morning and kept getting a corrupted file error. This happens often when bringing in the AI files, but it's never consistent and sometimes error messages are different. I went to the X4 Help menu, updated to Service...