DRAW's format)...an encouraging trend I have seen is that all thealternatives are making improvements to the "file exchange" aspects oftheir apps.Because I only want to use one or two "make-ready" apps I, therefore, tendto view all input from the lens of com...
FWIW, I was trying to import an AI14 file into Corel Draw X4 this morning and kept getting a corrupted file error. This happens often when bringing in the AI files, but it's never consistent and sometimes error messages are different. I went to the X4 Help menu, updated to Service...
首先,在COREL DRAW中完成你的图形,选定要输出的相应部分,然后选“输出”,点选“只有选取部分”选项,格式选“EPS”,定好文件名,确定。然后启动PHOTOSHOP,开一大小适当的新档,选“FILE”菜单中的“PLACE”,选择刚才在COREL DRAW中输出的EPS图形,此时在新图档中将出现图像框,你可拉动图像框改变其大小(按住SHIFT可约...
You may find the answer in the thread: How to convert a CorelDRAW file into an Autocad file without changing the original drawing? answered by PJ Kapp answered byAlex Urbach Other questions about "How to open corel draw file in autocad"...
To import the figure to Corel Draw, first save it as an EMF file. Use the following steps: 1. Open the figure. 2. Save the figure as an emf-file: 테마복사 saveas(gcf,'test','emf'); 3. Import test.emf into the Corel Draw File. ...
2、在“宏的位置”下拉菜单中选择“FileConverter(FileConverter.gms)”,此时“宏名称”下会出现“Converter.Start”,选中,单击“运行”(如果没有这个选项可以到百度云盘下载FileConverter.gms,文档的最后有下载地址,下载完成后放在 “CorelDraw的安装目录\Draw\GMS”文件夹里面),打开文件转换对话框;...
Free CDR Viewer – free software that lets you view CorelDRAW (.cdr) file, resize and convert them to other image formats (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png, .tiff)
运行软件,菜单:工具》宏》运行宏》宏的位置 ,选FileCoverter.gms,确定以后出来的窗口最上面那一行是让你找要导出图片的文件的位置,可以同时选择几个文件;第二行是选择导出的图片要保存的位置;第三行选择要导出的格式。第四行一定要勾上,否则每个文件只有第一页被导出。下面右面第一行设置导出的...
'It has come to notice of the independent National Electoral Commission INEC, Kwara state that some unscrupulous persons are carrying out illegal registration of voters in Offa local government area of Kwara state using scanned INEC permanent voters card through an application called Corel Draw. ...