Hello, someone know a fast way to detect the curve line lenght by coreldraw 10 ? Is there avaiable a macro for this ? thank you oasis5 Not open for further replies. Similar threads P Question Rotating multiple objects on each objects own axis in Corel Draw 2024 Poppijuttu Jan 22,...
Corel Draw允许对象没有填充。 轮廓线(Out Line):轮廓线与对象不可分割,但Corel Draw允许对象没有轮廓线,轮廓线拥有粗细、笔触、颜色等等属性。 交互(Interactiv):交互性是最近常用到的一个词,在Corel Draw中,凡是有交互二字开头的工具代表了无需通过"设置命令->点击OK"来观察变化,而是通过一些鼠标操作就可以立即...
文字工具(Text Tool) 不知道Corel 公司原本是什么意图,但是从Corel Draw 9 开始,文本工具的图标从“A”变成了“字”,这挺让人感到高兴的。 提示: 点击文字工具之后点击工作区,然后进行输入,这时生成的是美术字 点击文字工具之后用鼠标在工作区内画文本框,这时生成的是段落文 快捷键为F8 交互工具(Interactive Tool...
I don't have trim in contextual menu, i must bring up pathfinder tab that occupy space, since i have 2 objects selected it is crystal clear that i want to make some shapes between them - again simple basic I can't find a way to align left, right etc from shortcuts -...
Text Create and format text Add and select text Add color to text Format text OpenType features Variable fonts Insert special characters, symbols, and glyphs Kern, shift, and rotate text Align text Adjust line, character, and word spacing Anti-alias text Fit text to a pat...
I have a Win98 and WinXP machines with Draw11. When I break apart a powerclip curve, the only thing that prints on two different printers is the outline of square I used to create the powerclip, none of the contents. It looks fine in print preview. This procedure works fine on the Wi...