The meaning of CORE is a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature. How to use core in a sentence. Distinguishing Between Core and Corps and Corpse and Corp
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary,...
The meaning of CORE is a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature. How to use core in a sentence. Distinguishing Between Core and Corps and Corpse and Corp
1)Core meaning核心义 1.On the basis of predecessors’ research about the core meaning of the adverb "jiu",the thesis summarizes the three sentence structures of the adverb "jiu".进而得出"就"有两个核心义:"较快衔接"义和"限制"义。 2)core sense核心意义 1.Results of a series of vocabulary ...
CORE meaning: 1 : the central part of a fruit (such as an apple) that contains the seeds; 2 : the central part of something
网络核心内容 网络释义 1. 核心内容 这三方面 的经济改革包含了自由化的核心内容(core-meaning),或称之为 ―遵循比较优势‖的自由化 (com parative-advantag…|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,核心内容
1) Core meaning 核心义 1. On the basis of predecessors’ research about the core meaning of the adverb "jiu",the thesis summarizes the three sentence structures of the adverb "jiu". 进而得出"就"有两个核心义:"较快衔接"义和"限制"义。
构成规则的日常语言既有“意思中心”(core of meaning),也有“开放结构”(open texture)。“意思中心”是指语言的外延涵盖具 …|基于37个网页 2. 概念核心 哈特认为构成法律规则的语言既有“概念核心”(core of meaning),也有“开放结构”(open texture)。概念核心指语言的外延涵盖具 …article...
Changes in context produce changes in the salience ratings of properties, which in turn are assumed to reflect changes in instantiated meaning. A Variable Feature approach is used to identify and describe variation of peripheral properties as well as more stable central properties. The idea of core...