jesd204c的coreclk和sysref 作者:Jonathan Harris 随着高速ADC跨入GSPS范围,与FPGA(定制ASIC)进行数据传输的优选接口协议是JESD204B。为了捕捉频率范围更高的RF频谱,需要宽带RF ADC。在其推动下,对于能够捕捉更宽带宽并支持配置更灵活的SDR(软件定义无线电)平台的GSPS ADC,高速串行接口(在此情况下即JESD204B)是必不...
While in my simulation with the pre-register connected to inclock there appears to be no data loss I don't really understand why, since surely CoreClk is clocking data in from THAT at half the rate it should be? Could someone please explain where i've gone wrong in my unde...
Does it mean the worst value of "Setup Time" ,between "altera_reserved_tck" to "pcie_a10_hip_0|~CORE_CLK_OUT" is "-0.002", and this negative -0.002 is not allowed. right ? How to fix it ? Thanks a lot 【 Info(332119): Slack End Point TNS...
I plan on using the MDIO interface which means I use the host_clk input to run the whole core. To my knowledge, the core has a built in Clock divder to bring the frequency down to the needed 125MHz which means host_clk, the only input for a global clock used in the .ucf file,...
nvmem: qfprom: Mark core clk as optional Browse files On some platforms like sc7280 on non-ChromeOS devices the core clock cannot be touched by Linux so we cannot provide it. Mark it as optional as accessing qfprom for reading works without it but we still prohibit writing if we ...
33453 - Serial RapidIO v5.4 - VHDL example design simulation error with core_clk.vhd Description When simulating a Virtex-6 FPGA RapidIO v5.4 core, with x1 lane width and 1.25G line rate, the VHDL simulation produces the following error: ...
Fixup rt_clk_array_prepare_enable and rt_clk_array_disable_unprepare. Support import SoC CLK config Depends on: #9576 BSP: qemu-virt64-aarch64 rockchip/rk3568 ] 当前拉取/合并请求的状态 Intent for your PR 必须选择一项 Choose one (Mandatory): 本拉取/合并请求是一个草稿版本 This PR is ...
# MMC core configuration # - -config MMC_CLKGATE - bool "MMC host clock gating" - help - This will attempt to aggressively gate the clock to the MMC card. - This is done to save power due to gating off the logic and bus - noise when the MMC card is not in use. Your host driv...