澳洲雇主担保一步到位签证 新增200多个职业 今天移民局官宣,公布了雇主担保签证的重要职业清单。 这个 Core Skills Occupation List从12月7日前,不仅适用于482雇主担保工作签证,也同样适用于186一步到位的雇主担保绿卡签证。也就是说有450+个职业,即将可以直接申请一步到位的186雇主担保移民签证。 学姐仔细看了一下,...
New Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) 新职业清单12月3日公布! 2024年12月3日,澳大利亚政府宣布发布核心技能职业清单(CSOL)。 新的CSOL履行了政府的承诺,即在我们的临时技术签证项目中取代复杂、过时且不灵活的职业清单。CSOL是一份单一的综合清单,由澳大利亚就业和技能局(JSA)通过劳动力市场分析和利益相关者咨询...
近期,澳洲 发布了Core Skills Occupation List核心技能职业清单,简称CSOL。 新的CSOL,涵盖了456个紧缺职业 ,澳洲CSOL清单职位的扩充,让很多原来需要先申请482工作两年后才能转186的职业,现在可以一步到位申请186雇主担保移民! ✨ 186一步到位绿卡职业,数量翻倍!456个岗位等你来挑! 除了那些传统热门: IT 、会...
In addition, his focus on Tibetan Buddhism(and not Indian traditions of Yoga favored by later Theosophy), and his lack ofphilological skills–in the Adyar branch, many Theosophists had knowledgeof Sanskrit106–were supposedly additional obstacles to his later reception inTheosophy.For scholars of ...
The information we collect may include information from which you may be personally identified (“Personally Identifiable Information”), such as name, postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, and certain business information such the place of employment and , occupation, job...