CORZ Core Scientific 添加自选 11.460 +0.150+1.33% 收盘价 01/29 16:00 (美东) 11.900 +0.440+3.84% 盘后20:01 (美东) 32.00亿总市值-2.83市盈率TTM 11.665最高价10.920最低价1598.26万股成交量11.260今开11.310昨收1.81亿成交额6.76%换手率亏损市盈率(静)2.79亿总股本18.62952周最高-4.39市净率27.11亿流通...
CORZCore Scientific, Inc. Charting Follow5.56K followers $14.05-0.07(-0.50%)4:00 PM 01/08/25 NASDAQ |$USD |Post-Market:$14.10+0.05(+0.36%)7:59 PM CORZ stock vs. SP500 chart + Select Symbols+ Select Metrics 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD ...
公司名称Core Scientific 上市日期2021/04/08 发行价格5.55 成立日期2017 CEOMr. Adam Taylor Sullivan 所属市场纳斯达克 员工数量286 年结日12-31 公司地址838 Walker Road,Suite 21-2105 城市Dover 省份特拉华州 国家美国 邮编19904 电话1-512-402-5233 网址 董事高管 姓名 职务 年薪 ...
代理*各地约余300种各*,具体有:R&D、IBL、BD、Roche、Sigma、Santa、Tsz、CST、Amresco、Sciencell、Qiagen、Omega、Immonoway、Wako、Abcam、Merk、ATCC、Axygen、Invitrogen、Gibio、Hyclone、Cloud-clone corp、MP、Novus 、 lifespan Exqion、GE 、clontech 、Millipore、 Jackson、Thermo scientific、Dako Biorbyt ...
代理*各地约余300种各*,具体有:R&D、IBL、BD、Roche、Sigma、Santa、Tsz、CST、Amresco、Sciencell、Qiagen、Omega、Immonoway、Wako、Abcam、Merk、ATCC、Axygen、Invitrogen、Gibio、Hyclone、Cloud-clone corp、MP、Novus 、 lifespan Exqion、GE 、clontech 、Millipore、 Jackson、Thermo scientific、Dako Biorbyt ...
all of the extracts were filtered using a syringe (Kinesis, Redland, QLD, Australia) coupled with a 0.45-μm syringe filter (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). The injection volume of each sample was set to 6 μL, and the flow rate was set at 0.8 mL/min. The gradien...
All of the solvents and reagents for extraction and HPLC analysis were of analytical grade or the highest available purity (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Illkirch, France). Deionized water was purified by a Milli-Q water-purification system (Merck Millipore Fontenay sous Bois, Paris, France). All of...
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CoreWeave also signed an AI deal with Core Scientific today. BTIG analyst sees further upside in Core Scientific stock to $8.0.