Physical Therapy Get Back Your Active Life We tailor a program specific and completely customized to your individual needs. If we could solve your problem, what value could it bring to your life? Enriching lives through physical independence
MANAGEMENT: Treatment of manifestations: Physical therapy for hypotonia and weakness that may include stretching and mild to moderate low-impact exercise; assistive devices as needed for ambulation; orthopedic surgery as needed for scoliosis, congenital hip dislocation, foot deformities; respiratory ...
Many individuals who undergo Total Knee Replacements (TKR’s) struggle to gain maximum flexion of 130-135 degrees. Many just are unable to go through the window of pain that is in front of them when they undergo Physical Therapy (PT). I talked to many people who are unable to ride a b...
She founded 67 missionary institutions to serve the sick and poor, long before government agencies provided extensive social services – in New York; Chicago and Des Plaines, Illinois; Seattle; New Orleans; Denver and Golden, Colorado; Los Angeles; Philadelphia; and in countries throughout Latin ...
OneBusAway: Real-time arrival & schedule information for public transit in Seattle, Atlanta, Tampa, and more 🔥 OwnTracks: Keep track of your own location, you can build your private location...
(Epic, 1991) Nirvana may have knocked down the wall for grunge music, but a fellow Seattle favorite named Pearl Jam made sure that the genre remained all the rage. With the release of Pearl Jam's 'Ten' in 1991, the group started to climb the charts with the ebb-and-flow rocker "Ali...