铜制镐头 CopperMiningPick 3 水罐WaterCan 4 大型水罐 LargeWaterCan 5 顶光装置 RoofingTool 6 牵绳Leash 7 家畜转运箱 CattleCage 8 木头镐头 WoodMiningPick 10 木头铲子 WoodShovel 11 铜制锄头 CopperHoe 12 木制锄头 WoodHoe 13 锡制镐头 TinMiningPick 15 锡制铲子 TinShovel 16 锡制锄头 TinHoe 17 ...
Other permanent new features include the Magic Mirror, which lets players customise their character at any time; a Loom Workbench that players can use to craft brand-new wearables like an Explorer’s Hat and Wedding Dress; additional character customisation options, including never-seen-before h...
Magic Mirror This mysterious piece of furniture has been enhanced in strange ways. Looking into it makes it possible to change your appearance. Magma Horn Armor A pretty awesome piece of equipment that makes you look like the harbinger of doom. Magma Shin Armor A melting leg armor made from ... Now used to craft the Magic Mirror, Mannequin and Loom. 0.4.4-d5ea: Now used to craft the Painting, Wood Stool, Wood Table and Loose Flooring. 0.3.12-8ddf: Renamed from "Carpenter Table" to "Carpenter's Table". 0.1.91e2cab: Introduced.Furniture...
From the minds of the writers, we watch as Liam Neeson finds his seat in the movies has been…taken. A veterinarian explains how 101 dalmatians reproduce. Monster High steals the Crypt Keeper's schtick. EP17Secret of the Flushed Footlong ...
Other permanent new features include the Magic Mirror, which lets players customise their character at any time; a Loom Workbench that players can use to craft brand-new wearables like an Explorer’s Hat and Wedding Dress; additional character customisation options, including never-seen-before h...