【地心护核者1.0正式版】全BOSS击杀+结局 | Core Keeper 护核纪元共计18条视频,包括:恶形巨物戈勒蚩、吞噬者戈尔姆、虫巢之母等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
地心护核者Core Keeper法师流程实况5”海洋泰坦“,刚开始忘开声音了。 161 0 06:16 App 直播剪辑,地心护核者Core Keeper法师流程7“荒野巨蟒” 62 0 18:27 App 直播剪辑,地心护核者Core Keeper法师流程10“指挥官”主线最终BOSS 46 0 06:42 App 直播剪辑,地心护核者Core Keeper法师流程9“荒漠巨蟒” 70...
霉菌区有BOSS么?..更新公告的三个BOSS都打掉了, 但看他的公告图片好像霉菌区也有一个?天空泰坦埃齐欧斯(头目)带毒巨物艾薇(头目) - 这个是个毒史莱姆堕落者玛鲁格兹(头目) - 这个是水晶头骨召唤的
Core Keeper bosses: The best way to beat Glurch, Ghorm, The Hive Mother, Azeos, Malugaz, and Ivy.
打完三个boss,强..埃齐欧斯的 泰坦 在地图东北方向 推荐去合成扫描仪找 打完虫母那个雕像合成一个投影人 去他那有boss的扫描仪 合成扫描仪的羽毛在森林地貌找 北方是森林
Where is the Hive Mother Located in Core Keeper Hive Mother is the third boss you will encounter in Core Keeper. It can be tiresome if you try finding the boss without any help. If you have the Hive Mother Scanner, locating the boss becomes a lot easier. ...
Glurch the Abominous Mass is generally the first boss many players find and fight in Core Keeper in order to progress.
已通关 附带BOSS..本文只介绍虫巢打法详细过程 因为大家都知道前两个BOSS(大史莱姆 蠕虫列车)怎么打就不多描述了1首先你要找到虫巢 虫巢的墙壁是挖不烂的(目前来看)2找到之后你会发现虫巢附近的地面是挖不烂的,但是你来
Core Keeper is a mining sandbox-type game where you can mine, build, fight, craft, and farm to discover the mysteries of the ancient core. This guide will cover all the details and strategies you need to know for defeating Ghorm the Devourer boss in Core Keeper. ...
2阶拿远程 斜45绕圈就好了 BOSS很简单 就是这个BOSS容易脱战重置 很恶心 3楼2022-03-11 17:59 回复 炸虾盖秀吉 初级粉丝 1 不算隐藏boss吧 官方公告里面就有这个boss 4楼2022-03-11 18:05 收起回复 Sdnf2U 初级粉丝 1 想问下为什么打完后没显示成就 来自Android客户端5楼2024-11-13 22:00 ...