proxy(Array) 用于代理 Metadata Cover 及 Star Cover 的反代 URL (请求格式:https://your.img.proxy/ 按照提示修改config/dev.json并更改相关配置即可 system部分若无需更改保持默认即可 database部分请修改hostportusernamepassworddatabase为你自己的信息 ...
Anno 是一个微服务引擎,底层通可选用 grpc或thrift。自带服务发现、调用链追踪、Cron 调度、限流、事件总线、CQRS 、DDD、插件化开发。Viper是 Anno的示例项目和管理面板。 暂无标签 C# 等2 种语言 Apache-2.0 发行版 暂无发行版 Anno.Core 开源评估指数 生产力 创新力 稳健性 协作...
java resources karate-logo.png karate-logo.svg report-template-js.txt report-template.html timeline-template.html test pom.xml karate-demo karate-gatling karate-jersey karate-junit4 karate-junit5 karate-mock-servlet karate-netty .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE READ...
使用Core Graphics的优点主要包括以下几点: 1. 高性能:Core Graphics是苹果公司为macOS和iOS系统开发的一个强大的图形处理框架,其性能表现优异,能够满足大多数图形处理...
The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files. META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/ ...
How can I import a Java certificate for all users? GPO? SCCM? How can I know which HDMI port is plugged in? How Can I move BitLocker partitions in order to resize the first partition? How can I output a Chinese character when it's unicode code point greater than 65535 in powershell ...
()) logo = QImage(icon_path('revealer_c.png')).scaledToWidth( 1.3 * (total_distance_h)) painter.drawImage((total_distance_h) + (border_thick), ((total_distance_h)) + (border_thick), logo, Qt.SmoothTransformation) #frame around logo painter.setPen(QPen(, border_thick)) ...
We have 15 years of experience in the industry and our products come with multiple processors (Rockchip, MTKIntel, AMD, Snapdragon, Spreadrum, etc) and with different OS (Android / Linux(Ubuntu/Debian) / Windows) Our adept softwar...
jsname=teach.sonic.transform)。此插件从[](移植,并做了适当精简。 1702 1703 可到[assets/sonic-java](目录运行java代码...