產品原名 Ivy Bridge 垂直區段 Mobile 處理器編號 i3-3110M 光刻 22 nm CPU 規格 核心數量 2 執行緒總數 4 處理器基礎頻率 2.40 GHz 快取記憶體 3 MB Intel® Smart Cache 匯流排速度 5 GT/s TDP 35 W 補充資訊 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 ...
可用的下載:3 姓名 日期 作業系統 行動 Windows* Intel® Graphics Driver [15.33] 10/23/2020 Windows 7,32-bit*,64-bit*9 詳細內容 下載 適用于 Windows XP* 64 的 Intel® HD 顯示晶片驅動程式 (exe) 2/13/2013 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition* ...
可用的下載:3 姓名 日期 作業系統 行動 Windows* Intel® Graphics Driver [15.33] 10/23/2020 Windows 7,32-bit*,64-bit*9 詳細內容 下載 適用于 Windows XP* 64 的 Intel® HD 顯示晶片驅動程式 (exe) 2/13/2013 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition* ...
Intel® Core™ i3-3110M Processor (3M Cache, 2.40 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Bộ xử lý Intel® Core™ i3-3110M (3M bộ nhớ đệm, 2.40 GHz) tham khảo nhanh các thông số kỹ thuật, tính năng và công nghệ.
Intel Core i3-3110M (BGA) advantages This CPU has higher operating frequency than the Core i3-6006U processor. Intel Core i3-6006U advantages The microprocessor supports AES technology, used to accelerate AES encryption and decryption. The technology is beneficial if you run applications, that pro...
Intel Core i3-3110M (PGA) Intel Core i5-2410M (PGA) 3DMark03 CPU score benchmark Uses DirectX software vertex shader to run Wings of Fury and Trolls' Lair games, and calculates a 3DMark03 CPU score based on averaged number of frames per second, achieved by the CPU/GPU combination. 1...
这款是三代的笔记本的cpu。可以升级成三代标准电压的i5 3230m i7 3520m、3540m这样的cpu,性能提升是很明显的。i3处理bai器可以换成i7的,因为同一代的酷睿I3 和I7管脚是一样的。 主要推荐 i7 3540m ,具体提升性能请看下图对比: 神舟战神Z8-CA5NB/G8-CA7NS/NP/NT新品RTX3060神州游戏 拼多多 ¥5399.00 ...
Procesador Intel® Core™ i3-3110M (caché de 3 M, 2,40 GHz) referencia rápida con especificaciones, características y tecnologías.
Intel Core i3-3110M @ 2.40GHz,Intel Core i5-3320M @ 2.60GHz,Intel Core i7-3520M @ 2.90GHz 比较 - 那个强?