ae-Learning lessons. Provides e-Learning lessons. Each lesson is 15-30 minutes and features hands-on exercises, with an option to use a simulation instead of the software application. You can use an online evaluation tool that identifies gaps in skills, determines the lessons that will be most...
Core strength training using a combination of home exercises and a dynamic sling system for the management of low back pain in pre-professional ballet dancers: a case series. Estimates of low back pain prevalence in USA ballet dancers range from 8% to 23%. Lumbar stabilization and extensor mus...
Core stability has not been trained previously in neuromuscular disorders presenting with limb-girdle weakness. One possible reason may lie in the assumption that core stability exercises are not feasible for such patients. Indeed, on starting training, many patients had difficulty performing the exercis...
While competitive training is usually associated with the prevalence of back pain and injuries in athletes, little attention is being paid to the positive effects of sport-specific exercises on core musculature in the prevention of back problems. This sc
The results of this review highlight the potential benefits of core training in improving trunk control and balance. Similarly, the efficacy of specific trunk mobility exercises has been explored in PD [21]. Despite this topic being of great interest, to the best of our knowledge, there is ...