佛罗里达州奥兰多1月31日电 /新华美通/ -- 医学博士 John Wagner 被认为是脐血干细胞移植领域的领导者,他已经加入了 CORD:USE Cord Blood Bank 的团队。Wagner 博士在移植医学和干细胞生物学方面的丰富经验与渊博知识将能够为 CORD:USE 提供巨大帮助。 CORD:USE Cord Blood Bank 总裁兼首席执行官 Edward Guindi ...
AtCord for Life®, we believe in the power of stem cells. Since our founding, we’ve been involved in over 2,200 cord blood transplants. We’re inspired each time by the families and medical professionals we’ve helped use cord blood stem cells to treat their loved ones. ...
New England Cord Blood Bank offers cord blood and tissue banking of the highest quality, and at a price that is affordable for your family. Contact us today!
Shanghai Cord Blood Bank and China Marrow Donor Program struck an agreement on Wednesday, eliminating the need for patients to apply to both banks. The same app can search the two banks for matching donors. Health expert...
importance of cord blood and tissue banking. We hope to answer many of the questions expectant parents have on the benefits of these valuable stem cells. SAVING A BROTHER’S LIFE Nicolas Henderson won his battle with cancer at the age of three through the use of his baby ...
importance of cord blood and tissue banking. We hope to answer many of the questions expectant parents have on the benefits of these valuable stem cells. SAVING A BROTHER’S LIFE Nicolas Henderson won his battle with cancer at the age of three through the use of his baby ...
ADD PLACENTAL BLOOD Similar to cord blood, placental blood contains a rich population of hematopoietic stem cells. Give your family options to preserve the greatest number of both hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells retrievable after birth and have the peace of mind knowing they wi...
Cord blood banking is a sequential process including a number of steps starting from donor informed consent and donor selection, followed by collection of maternal and paternal medical history, cord blood collection, unit transportation from the delivery room to the bank, cord blood unit processing,...