Use of the sterile, FDA-approved cord blood collection bag, combined with MiracleCord's StemCare thermal technology, and ourTimeCritical®processing, means your family can rest assured that your baby's cord blood and cord tissue are protected from the very moment the specimens are collected to...
Cells4Life is the leading umbilical cord blood stem cell bank in the UK, and the UK's only placenta bank. Get your free Parents' Guide now.
Issaragrisil S, Visuthisakchai S, Tangnaitrisorana Y, et al. Collection of cord blood stem cells for transplantation in thalassemic patients. Stem Cells 1995; 13(Suppl 3): 71-75.Surapol Issaragrisil, Sanan Visuthisakchai, Yaowalak Tangnaitrisorana, Anong Piankijagum, Dasnayanee Chandana...
Nearly half a million parents from 87 countries chose to trust Cryo-Cell - Cord Blood Banking Leader. Premier Quality & Value, The First Family Cord Blood Bank
The Cells4Life Cord Blood Collection Kit has been designed to protect your baby’s sample during its delivery to our laboratory. Not only is it important to make sure that the sample arrives to be processed as soon as possible, but it should also be maintained between 2 and 25°C during...
Smart Cells is the UK's first cord blood stem cell storage company. Since 2001 we have been successfully collecting & storing stem cells.
Discover Cord for Life. Learn all you need to know about umbilical cord blood banking and why Cord for Life is the best program for you.
The collection of cord blood is a safe, painless and simple process that poses no risk to you and your baby. However, you only have one chance to collect your child's cord blood at birth, so it is important to make an informed decision prior to your delivery date. Enrolment Process Tre...
Cord blood banking by CReATe Cord Bank was founded in 2005 by Dr. Clifford Librach and has been successfully banking stem cells.
Understanding Stem Cell Banking: Learn the differences between cord blood and cord tissue, their uses, and why ViaCord's services are trusted by families for newborn stem cell banking.