We operate to the highest standards in the industry. As both a public and private cord blood + cord tissue bank, we’ve released more stem cells for transplant, clinical trials, and research than any private cord blood bank. Knowing how important each unit is for the outcome of patients an...
Reports on the establishment of the public cord blood bank, Singapore Cord Blood Bank (SCBB) in Singapore. Capability of cord blood to produce hematopoietic stem cells; Plan of SCBB to build a registry of blood samples; Services provided by the bank to cord blood transplant patients....
Nearly half a million parents from 87 countries chose to trust Cryo-Cell - Cord Blood Banking Leader. Premier Quality & Value, The First Family Cord Blood Bank
Upstate Cord Blood Bank is the Region's Only Public Cord Blood Donation Center! The Upstate Cord Blood Bank is dedicated to saving and improving lives through the use of donated cord blood. We are a local, not-for-profit, public donation center for women who choose to give the life-saving...
Cord blood banking has become really popular with new mothers to save the stem cells from the blood and tissue from umbilical cord and placentas.
Public: Be The Match Public FACT: Public AboutBank Director: John R. Wingard, MD LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank is a community-based public cord blood bank that collects and stores umbilical cord blood for the purpose of clinical treatment and research in the field of stem cell transplantation. ...
Today, parents delivering in Singapore have three choices relating to their baby's cord blood: Donate to a public bank Store privately in a family bank Throw it away So where do parents “go” for accurate, non-bias information to assist them with this decision and to empower them to make...
Nearly half a million parents from 87 countries chose to trust Cryo-Cell - Cord Blood Banking Leader. Premier Quality & Value, The First Family Cord Blood Bank
Nearly half a million parents from 87 countries chose to trust Cryo-Cell - Cord Blood Banking Leader. Premier Quality & Value, The First Family Cord Blood Bank
The MonoTx™ cord blood cell bank is an AABB accredited, and FDA registered public bank. The cord blood units are collected at the largest childbirth center in Hong Kong, the Prince-of-Wales Hospital. Donated umbilical cord blood is collected following the newborns birth and is delivered to...