1. Cord blood donation should be discouraged when cord blood stored in a bank is to be directed for later personal or family use, because most conditions that might be helped by cord blood stem cells already exist in the infant's cord blood (ie, premalignant changes in stem cells). Physic...
Blood from the umbilical cord is a noncontroversial source of stem cells. Umbilical cord blood is often disposed of as medical waste postpartum despite its potential use in the treatment of certain diseases. The Public Kit Donation project in Texas and North Carolina is part of a federal pilot...
Cord blood banking procedure View more Texas Governor Receives Experimental Stem Cell Transplant Organ Donation And Transplantation: A Few Facts On The Matter Organ Donation 101: Top 10 Most Intriguing Questions About Organ And Blood Donation Answered Could Stem Cell Transplants Cure Chronic Lym...
In researching this subject, I was amazed how many theories have been advanced from ancient times to the present, many conflicting, depending on a number of Correspondence: Professor WH Donovan, Physical Medicine and Rehabilita- tion, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, The ...
As of 2008, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission ismandated to promote public awarenessof all medically appropriate cord blood options via abrochure. The brochure must be provided by health care professionals to pregnant women before the third trimester, or as soon as reasonably feasible....