Cord blood and tissue collection are non-invasive, safe and painless. It will not interfere with your birth plan or the time spent bonding with your baby.
脐带血和脐带组织是在宝宝已出生、脐带已剪断之后才进行采集,因此不会干扰您的生产过程或与宝宝的相处时间。收集过程对宝宝和母亲绝对安全及不会引起痛楚。 接收康脐采集箱 完成登记后, 康脐会随即通过快递把采集箱运送给您。请把箱子备置在一个安全的地方并于分娩时带同前往医院。 康脐采集箱一览 收集脐带血...
blood banking? Your baby’s umbilical cord blood carries special cells, referred to as stem cells. These unique cells have the potential to treat certain diseases and disorders. This process is the collection of your baby’s cord blood from the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after birth...
Cord blood banking is a sequential process including a number of steps starting from donor informed consent and donor selection, followed by collection of maternal and paternal medical history, cord blood collection, unit transportation from the delivery room to the bank, cord blood unit processing,...
Our cord blood banking process is simple and stress-free, so that you and your loved ones can focus on the arrival of your little miracle. We’ve worked hard to refine our process to make cord blood banking easy and affordable for expecting parents, and we offer many cord blood storage ...
Cord blood banking is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we want to make sure this important decision is within reach. We are dedicated to giving you superior quality at the best possible price with several storage plans, all with a risk-free enrollment process. ...
Cord blood banking is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we want to make sure this important decision is within reach. We are dedicated to giving you superior quality at the best possible price with several storage plans, all with a risk-free enrollment process. ...
Cord blood banking is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we want to make sure this important decision is within reach. We are dedicated to giving you superior quality at the best possible price with several storage plans, all with a risk-free enrollment process. ...
ViaCord empowers families to plan for a healthier future with trusted cord blood banking and cord tissue banking for newborns and genetic testing options for both newborns and adults.
Cord blood banking has become really popular with new mothers to save the stem cells from the blood and tissue from umbilical cord and placentas.