Free Info Guide 1-888-894-6412 What is cord blood banking? Your baby’s umbilical cord blood carries special cells, referred to as stem cells. These unique cells have the potential to treat certain diseases and disorders. This process is the collection of your baby’s cord blood from the ...
Get Our Free Cord Blood Banking Quick Guide UNLOCK DOWNLOAD CORD BLOOD BANKING Your newborn’s umbilical cord blood contains a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These cells have an extensive, self-renewal capacity and a unique ability to develop into all types of blood cells, ma...
ViaCord empowers families to plan for a healthier future with trusted cord blood banking and cord tissue banking for newborns and genetic testing options for both newborns and adults.
New England Cord Blood Bank offers cord blood and tissue banking of the highest quality, and at a price that is affordable for your family. Contact us today!
The ultimate measure of our success is a healthy patient. Download our FREE Information Guide to learn about cord blood banking, including expert insights on how to get the most stem cells from your newborn’s cord blood. Download Free Information Guide...
Free Virtual Cord Blood Seminar Join us for a virtual, interactive educational seminar on the importance of cord blood and tissue banking. We hope to answer many of the questions expectant parents have on the benefits of these valuable stem cells. ...
“Anja’s mission is to make cord blood stem cell banking more accessible and affordable regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or income.” "The founder, Kathryn, founded the company in memory of her younger brother. They are one of the few cord blood banks to offer placenta banking -...
Free Cord Blood & Cord Tissue Processing $0 Courier & First Year Storage $205 per sample per year thereafter* 24-Hour Customer Care Safe, Secure Facility Genetic Counselor Support Call CBR to get started: (888) 280-8375 THE ADVANTAGES OF CORD BLOOD & CORD TISSUE Since cord bloo...
Cord blood banking is storing the stem cells in umbilical cord blood. The cord blood is collected after the baby is born and after any delayed cord clamping.
Cord blood banking is storing the stem cells in umbilical cord blood. The cord blood is collected after the baby is born and after any delayed cord clamping.