What is Cord Blood & Cord Tissue Banking? After your baby is born, stem cells found in the cord blood and cord tissue can be collected and preserved for potential future medical use. This process, known ascord blood and tissue banking, provides families with a powerful tool to address futur...
AlphaCord offers cost-effective cord blood banking solutions. Safeguard your child’s health with stored stem cells for potential future treatments. Enroll today!
New England Cord Blood Bank offers cord blood and tissue banking of the highest quality, and at a price that is affordable for your family. Contact us today!
California Cryobank is proud to offer its clients an exclusive, discounted special offer on our cord blood and cord tissue banking services through CBR.
ViaCord empowers families to plan for a healthier future with trusted cord blood banking and cord tissue banking for newborns and genetic testing options for both newborns and adults.
Securacell has been a leader in cord blood banking since 2001. We partner with expectant families during the cord blood banking process and beyond.
Understanding Stem Cell Banking: Learn the differences between cord blood and cord tissue, their uses, and why ViaCord's services are trusted by families for newborn stem cell banking.
Cord Blood Seminar Join us for a virtual, interactive educational seminar on the importance of cord blood and tissue banking. We hope to answer many of the questions expectant parents have on the benefits of these valuable stem cells.
Read the latest news and breakthrough technologies related to cord blood and cord tissue stem cell banking and therapies.
With cord blood stem cells having been used to treat over 80 diseases, including childhood cancers, cerebral palsy and autism, and more treatments in clinical trials, we believe all parents-to-be need to know the facts and benefits of banking their baby’s stem cells. After all, your baby...