Hutchings PA (1985) Variability in polychaete recruitment at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef: a long term study and an analysis of its potential impact on coral reef ecosystems. Proc 5th Int Coral Reef Symp 5:245–250 Google Scholar Hutchings PA, Bamber L (1985) Variability of bioerosion ra...
The global coral reef locations (1° × 1° pixels) were obtained from the merged reefbase/UNEP-WCMC and Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project reefs database ( For each coral reef location (1° × 1° pixel), we found the monthly climatolog...
Coral-reef fish suck up meals with slime-covered lipsHighly folded mouthparts help tubelip wrasses dodge venom and create a seal to feed.doi:10.1038/nature.2017.22097Erin RossNature magazineNature
McCloskey LR, Wethey DS, Porter JW (1978) Measurement and interpretation of photsynthesis and respiration in reef corals. In: Stoddart DR, Johannes RE (eds) Coral reefs: research methods. UNESCO, Paris, pp 379–396 Google Scholar Mergner H (1971) Structure, ecology and zonation of Red S...
(temporal and spatial), local versus regional species richness, and the equilibrium versus nonequilibrium controversy. We conclude that any attempt to categorize coral reef communities with respect to disturbance regimes will depend on the question being asked and the desired level of resolution: local...
This review considers the state of the art of coral reef remote sensing for the diverse range of objectives relevant for management, ranging from the composition of the reef: physical extent, benthic cover, bathymetry, rugosity; to environmental parameters: sea surface temperature, exposure, light,...
Coral reef ecosystems are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. In addition to their value in terms of biodiversity, coral reefs pr
Coral genomes could aid reef conservationNature - the world's best science and medicine on your desktopdoi:10.1038/news.2011.432Callaway, Ewen
The skeleton of reef-building coral harbors diverse microbial communities that could compensate for metabolic deficiencies caused by the loss of algal endosymbionts, i.e., coral bleaching. However, it is unknown to what extent endolith taxonomic diversit
Coral reef ecosystems are degrading through multiple disturbances that are becoming more frequent and severe. The complexities of this degradation have been studied in detail, but little work has assessed characteristics that allow reefs to bounce back and recover between pulse disturbance events. We qu...