Coral reef ecosystems have been damaged by numerous factors, such as unusually high temperatures, outbreaks of corallivore organisms, sedimentation, eutrophication, and pollution. The latter 3 factors have a strong correlation with tropical agriculture. In this paper, case studies of the effects of ...
A single environmental factor could not explain the variability in observed coral community characteristics, with minimum temperature, pH and nutrient levels the strongest determinants. Thus, complex environmental determinants combined with larval connectivity patterns may explain why the northern Galápagos ...
it is very difficult to identify specific patterns of change in life-history characteristics occurring within a population or community22, especially in species rich, complex systems, such as coral reefs23. The individual-based modelling approach24,25...
417 of the most common reef fish species.They next compared the aesthetic(美感)rating of each species with other characteristics,including evolutionary history,distinctiveness from other fish, "ecological originality"(which includes traits such as diet,habitat,body size and behaviors),co...
Another distinctive feature of reef communities at Rapa is the high cover and dominance of macroalgae, particularly in the shallower parts of the surrounding platform, which probably explains the lower densities of coral colonies recorded there. These characteristics of the diversity and biogeographical ...
Life-history theory predicts that small species will exhibit short life-spans and fast growth rates; however, previous studies indicate that a positive relationship between size and maximum age may not be universally applicable to coral reef fishes. Here, we investigate the growth and life-span of...
Coral reefs Reef-building corals Photogrammetry 3D models Predictive models Shelter capacity Structural complexity Coral growth forms 1. Introduction Structural complexity of ecosystems is a well-studied field in ecology. This important feature is mainly determined by abiotic characteristics (i.e. mineral ...
Based on trends in coral reef fauna observed within the region8and globally10,11,14,15we hypothesized that there would be substantial changes in the community structure and composition across the shelf gradient. Also we expected the near-shore reefs to be more depauperate in nature (i.e. low...
Coral reef management and conservation stand to benefit from improved high-resolution global mapping. Yet classifications underpinning large-scale reef mapping to date are typically poorly defined, not shared or region-specific, limiting end-users’ abil
(calcareous sand) from a small lagoon in Yongshu Reef of Nansha Islands,the in-situ dilatometer tests as well as the laboratory static cyclic triaxial and torsional shear tests are conducted.The liquefaction characteristics of the calcareous sand are analyzed.The test results show that the ...